Saturday, April 9, 2011

MPCG day 2

and we're a day and a half behind, I refused to sleep before posting at least once. Wifi has been iffy at best and room time? not happening!

 It's fantastic to be back, and along with my amazing friend it makes the experience even better. I come back to my room with clay under my nails, exhausted, drained, but dying to get back to continue... there will be no opuses created this weekend, we're just futzin'.  I've clayed and resined and and unresined again, I've been firing acyrlic and sanding till my fingers ache, and yet, nothing....but not really what this is about...right? I'm playing, and it's brilliant :)

 It was shocking walking in and missing so many people, coming into the room and seeing the two first seats not dominated by the dynamic duo, no french connection, no vio, but we're making the best of it, and we miss you all, and we're talking about you (fondly, of course) .

So it's ridiculously late ( we're up at 7) so I'll leave you all now, 'night sexy people.