Sunday, April 10, 2011

it needs a battery?

My promises of frequent MPCG updates were thrwarted! I have forgotten what sleep is like. With such a variety of projects you really had to utilize every free moment you had, my goal to photograph EVERYTHING was stopped dead in its track due to my, errr, forgetting my battery on the charger at home? Fortunately the roomie took tons of photos and I will be posting those asap...if/when I ever see them, I'm still waiting on the masquerade photos from a year ago :)

I was terribly impressed with what the people around me got accomplished, where I sat in my usual "this must be flawless" mode, sometimes doing the same project over 3 times before walking away, others just went along with it and actually had things to show at the end! Gera gave me some pretty brilliant advice, when I was showing obvious frustration at the mica shifting in a pendant, she said, simply... "get over it" :) so I did, and then I thought it was pretty sweet afterall.

tonight? delicious sleep...


Beadcomber said...

good have to get over the fact there aren't any photos! lol

Adria said...

I know,eh? I'm going to work on her tomorrow. I'm still hoping other people posted a bunch! :)