Thursday, April 28, 2011

that green! premo's new pearls

steamflower03 by blacksquiggles
steamflower03, a photo by blacksquiggles on Flickr.

Premo's new colours, omg, so delicious right out of the package. I hate to even use them...not knowing when I'll get my hands on more :)
the mica shifting isn't the best, but then again, the red never really shifted well either...but i have ways around this!

Hopefully will have news of a fundraiser show I may be doing in May...I really need to do more shows...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Morrisburg 2011


Morrisburg 2011, a set on Flickr.

More from Morrisburg, in reverse order :)

Friday, April 15, 2011


steampunktoggle by blacksquiggles
steampunktoggle, a photo by blacksquiggles on Flickr.

One of the very few pieces I finished at Morrisburg :) Using one of gera's bezels and her uv resin!

Monday, April 11, 2011


IMG_1740 by blacksquiggles
IMG_1740, a photo by blacksquiggles on Flickr.

I thought this was such a beautiful photo. Christine teaching her foil beads! I ended up making this surreal foil bubble tree pendant and mussed it up when one of my layers of resin decided to stay liquid, I will re-do this today :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

it needs a battery?

My promises of frequent MPCG updates were thrwarted! I have forgotten what sleep is like. With such a variety of projects you really had to utilize every free moment you had, my goal to photograph EVERYTHING was stopped dead in its track due to my, errr, forgetting my battery on the charger at home? Fortunately the roomie took tons of photos and I will be posting those asap...if/when I ever see them, I'm still waiting on the masquerade photos from a year ago :)

I was terribly impressed with what the people around me got accomplished, where I sat in my usual "this must be flawless" mode, sometimes doing the same project over 3 times before walking away, others just went along with it and actually had things to show at the end! Gera gave me some pretty brilliant advice, when I was showing obvious frustration at the mica shifting in a pendant, she said, simply... "get over it" :) so I did, and then I thought it was pretty sweet afterall.

tonight? delicious sleep...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

MPCG day 2

and we're a day and a half behind, I refused to sleep before posting at least once. Wifi has been iffy at best and room time? not happening!

 It's fantastic to be back, and along with my amazing friend it makes the experience even better. I come back to my room with clay under my nails, exhausted, drained, but dying to get back to continue... there will be no opuses created this weekend, we're just futzin'.  I've clayed and resined and and unresined again, I've been firing acyrlic and sanding till my fingers ache, and yet, nothing....but not really what this is about...right? I'm playing, and it's brilliant :)

 It was shocking walking in and missing so many people, coming into the room and seeing the two first seats not dominated by the dynamic duo, no french connection, no vio, but we're making the best of it, and we miss you all, and we're talking about you (fondly, of course) .

So it's ridiculously late ( we're up at 7) so I'll leave you all now, 'night sexy people.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Morrisburg or burst

 The yearly pilgrimage to the cutsey little town Morrisburg is moments away, soooo excited. This year, I'm going with one of my beautiful, talented, and fantastic friends, 'Manda. We will travel hours and hours (okie just 2) seeking enlightenment, buffets, wine, and fabulous company.  I will finally get to meet Gera Scott Chandler, who has been such an inspiration to me for so many years, and of course, get to catch up with all the amazing ladies who make this weekend so special and something I look forward to all year. Eeee, excited :)