Monday, December 15, 2008

Steampunk love...

I just got back from a shopping trip in Vermont and raided the Michaels. God, I love me some Michaels. And there were sales, glorious, delicious, sales. Clay has also been ordered and received, I haven't had a big delivery like this in years. I'm excited and I'm looking forward to getting some of this brain clutter out in the form of new pieces. And brain clutter it is, my hands ache, my brain aches, I just need the TIME!!! If I could get off my behind and start really selling I could drop some hours at work.

Bah, anyway, here's a new piece, finished right before Vermont :) Remind me to order more watch gears!



GraceBeading said...

Beautiful and interesting creations, I'm really enjoying your blog!

Sharon said...

This is such a great heart! I'm going to have to look at more of your work!

Merry said...

What a wonderful heart.