Thursday, May 14, 2009

MPCG , weeks later

Okay so I've been having a ridiculous amount of trouble changing computers and figuring out cameras. I should be back to photoshop tomorrow but until then....

Finally some proof I was at MPCG!! I've looked through everyone's pictures and i'm in none of them, so here, my very first properly bound book, cover I did in Gaby Orbach's class and the coptic stitching in Violette Laporte's, I loved every moment of the weekend, even the inevitable hangover.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

little video the kids made last night

So I'm back from morrisburg, but others will have to share those photos, I really didn't take a single one...

so instead, here's a video from that bad ass fire from last night, as you can see, we're pretty fortunate it didn't hit us.